Thursday, 31 January 2008

JDarkRoom : A simple full-screen text editor

About JDarkRoomJDarkRoom is a popular, simple full-screen text file editor with none of the usual bells and whistles that might distract you from the job in hand. If you are writing a novel, essay, thesis or just need to be able to concentrate on your writing, then JDarkRoom may help you. I have released JDarkRoom under the umbrella of CodeAlchemists. Please donate if you find this software useful - it encourages me to add features and fix bugs. The development of JDarkRoom was heavily inspired by DarkRoom, an implementation of WriteRoom (which is a Mac-only application) for Windows, but DarkRoom requires the Microsoft .NET framework. I decided to create my own implementation in Java for those that prefer not to use .NET.

To run JDarkRoom, you need to have Java 1.4 or greater installed. Mac OS X comes pre-loaded with Java so you don't need to worry.
JDarkRoom version 12
Windows (installer)
Mac (application)
Mac / Linux (JAR file)
(119KB)Once the program has fully downloaded, you should be able to double-click on it and it should run straightaway. If you download the JAR version, an alternative is to open a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the program, then type java -jar JDarkRoom.jarMac users: You should be able to double-click the downloaded ZIP file, open the JDarkRoom directory, then drag JDarkRoom to your Applications folder, or to the Dock.NB: Thanks to Dane Velasquez for preparing the .app file for the Mac.
Latest changes:
Adjustable margins to fit any screen resolution (F9 to reset)
Text search (F7 / Ctrl-F)
Colour selection mode now defaults to 'text' rather than 'dialog' (solving a problem for some Mac OS X users)
Auto-save backups - so you never lose your work again (applies to new and pre-existing files)
File names specified on the command line can now contain spaces
You can override the default 'conf' directory location (see below)

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