Sunday 9 December 2007

Basic of GDI+ and Graphics in ASP.NET

In this article, I will explain about GDI+ in .NET Framework. If you haven't heard about GDI+, then GDI+ is a set of classes in .NET framework that deal with graphics. You can use GDI+ to draw custom drawing on the screen. GDI provides a layer of abstraction, hiding the differences between different video cards. You simply need to call the Windows API function to do the specific task, and internally the GDI figures out how to get to the client's particular video card to do whatever that you want.Although GDI exposes a relatively high level API to developers, it is still an API that based on the old Windows API with C style functions. GDI+ sits as a layer between GDI and your application providing more intuitive and inheritance based object model. GDI+ is generally considered a Windows technology. However, some of the new GDI+ features make this technology an excellent choice for Web applications, enabling developers to generate images, graphs, diagrams, and much more.

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